Sunday, May 2, 2010

{ Makmal-Sains } You have received a Rojak Song!


Rojak Song by YTL


rina has created a Rojak Song and would like
to share it with you.

Click on the link below to view the song that was specially
created for you:

What is Rojak Song? It is a Malaysian Love Song – Created to celebrate our nation of unique people, good food, helping hands, and much optimism.
3 Sony Vaio Y Series subnotebooks worth RM 2,999 each to be won!
Now, why don't you show your love for Malaysia and create your own Rojak Song as well? After all, you stand to win a Sony Vaio Y Series subnotebook!
How to Win: Create a Rojak Song and send it to your friends. If your friend clicks on the email link to view your song, you get 10 points. If your friend goes on to create his/her own Rojak Song, you get 50 points. The top 3 scorers will win a Sony Vaio Y Series subnotebook each.
Create a Rojak Song now

Get Extra Points!

Create a Rojak Song, send it out from our event and get ADDITIONAL 50 POINTS for every friend who views your song!

Find out more about our event at

Have fun!

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